
3 min readAug 7, 2021

Knowing a new book called Stigmatized was going to be released soon, I immediately felt happy because the author of the book is a Mongolian woman. Then, after about two months, I ordered the book which I had truly wanted to read. Currently, there are not many Mongolians published on Amazon, merely three or four people published books in English on the Amazon. The new and best-selling book is about a Mongolian girl who obtained higher education abroad and suffered from Tuberculosis. All the ways to study abroad and earn degrees are not easy and everyone might not overcome with arduous struggles as she made. She inspires us to reflect on and define our past experiences through her great book.

Growing up, she realized the importance of education due to her family and ancestors. Not everyone who learned languages or earned higher degrees is not rich. She was born during the historical transition from communism to democracy. The year she was born was a tough year for every household. Consequently, many people were unexpectedly laid off from work, the prices of groceries and common goods increased. Although her father and mother were fired from their work, they never forget the importance of education. When it was a very burden time, her parents always encouraged children to pursue education. Then, they decided to sell the one-bedroom apartment that was awarded by the state as a reward to her dad previously, which they sold for their children’s further education. Although it was very difficult for the family members, her parents never regretted what they did because they had already known only education would benefit their children’s lives from an early age. Whilst social transformation, her parents were both laid off from the constant job. Her dad worked as a worker at a gas station for a long time. The girl always felt what difficulties were and what would she do for herself and her family in the coming years. In addition, her oldest brother was her real role model in education in her teenage years. In studying Japanese very well, he was able to study Japan and he talked about the studying years abroad to the author girl. Previously, her parents reached a decision to live in a shantytown, they started to live in Ger district with her children. Whilst those periods, the author was faced many issues such as a new environment in a school and lives in the Ger district problems. Finally, studying in high school, she decided to study English and study abroad once graduated high school. When studied English, she was determined herself under daunting pressure because the possibility of studying abroad pushed her to pursue her dream. She passed the English exam and other entrance exams successfully that were required in American universities. Shortly after she passed the exam and graduated high school, she was diagnosed with Tuberculosis, which was a horrible disease but was curable. At first, it seemed to be very difficult as she was going to study abroad once she completed high school. However, she never gave up upon the disease, she survived with her family, particularly her loved mum and dad. Being recovered for a few months, she officially went abroad to study at American University in Bulgaria. While she was studying there, she found out her interest and fitting in the USA more. Consequently, she moved to the USA to continue her study. Obviously, the struggles she made left behind. During her graduation ceremony, her parents came to the USA for the first time. They were proud of her clever girl while walking on the stage to get a master’s diploma from the respected professors within the University. She felt proud of herself, but most importantly, she was proud and appreciated for her parents, who made this day a reality for her. Now, she is working in an international organization abroad. Undoubtedly, she is one of the representatives of young Mongolians.




Book lover, amateur writer 👱‍♀️⭐️🌟🔥🌎🌙🌝🌞🌻🌺🌷🌸🍀☘️🌳🌿🍃🌼💫✨🌈